Date Of Call : 2021 (England and Wales); 2023 (Mauritius)

Qualifications : LLB (University of Kent), LLM in International and Commercial Law (University of Kent), Bar Professional Training Course (University of Law)

  • T : 2086372
  • F : +(230) 211-7213
  • Email :
  • BRN : 124003974

Legal Practice

Venila joined 5 St James Court in January 2023 after having completed her pupillage under the supervision of Mr. Ravindra Chetty SC. 

Since joining Chambers, Venila has appeared before the Bail and Remand Court, District Courts, Intermediate Court and the Supreme Court (Family Division). 

Venila accepts instructions as sole Counsel for the Bail and Remand Court, District and Intermediate Court and for Family Division matters.


Venila is a member of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple and the Mauritius Bar Association.  

Venila is an active member of the Global Rainbow Foundation, a Charitable Trust oriented towards educating, enabling and empowering Persons with Disabilities, while advocating for their rights.